Fit with Fibro in 21 days

Seeking a wholesome approach to healing? Hop on the Wellness Wagon. Our holistic approach to healing means you will heal as a whole. Mind, body and soul.

This programme 'Fit with Fibro in 21 days' is a mini programme but full of healing! Designed for fibro fighters who want to take back control of their lives using natural remedies and holistic therapies. Treating you as a whole, mind, body and soul!

After being over 4 years without fibro symptoms, medications and flare ups I now help you to do the same thing. The blue print to my healing is given to you here with all the information, support, guidance and support. Holistic healing made easy for you!

In 21 days, if you follow the programme given to you, you will reduces your inflammation and pain, beat brain fog and fight fatigue, naturally. So much value in just 21 days - that lasts forver!

What's included?

During these 21 days, you will:

  •  Receive fibro-friendly recipes and meal plans using healing foods,
  •  Learn about foods that trigger fibromyalgia symptoms and foods that prevent fibro flare ups,
  •  Try out fibro-friendly workouts, including stretch & strengthen and laughter yoga,
  •  Daily goals, affirmations and guidance to keep you on track and motivated,
  •  Weekly group coaching calls with others on the programme (tier 1) or one to one coaching & healing (tier 2)
  •  Support from a private group of fibro fighters on the same programme,
  •  Weekly distance energy healing 

This programme has now slighty changed to give you even more value - renamed '21 day total reset' you now get all the benefits of 21 days to fit with firbo plus 21 days to alkalne! 2 for the price of 1!

Imagine being fibro symptoms-free! It is possible, I am living proof, over 4 years! 

Be the best version of yourself, join the next group and book your spot below - you are worth it. Any questions get in touch!

From aches and pains to blissfully being

Similar to '21 days to fit with fibro' but over a longer time scale and more in depth 'From aches and pains to blissfully being' is an online 12 week programme helping you heal as a whole, mind, body and soul.

If you are looking to 

* Reduces fibro medications

* Build self love, self owrth and self respect

* Heal from the inside out

* Rid aches and pains

*Get your life back

* Loose excess weight

* All the benefits of the '21 days'

Book your free consultation below - don't forget to check out the feedback from Natasha - a Specialist chronic pain nurse who completed the 12 weeks herself!