About us

fat loss weight loss healing sustainable fat loss

Wellness wagan was rebranded after covid 19 lockdowns previously ‘yummy mummies and buzzy bees’.

Wellness wagan and shifted from 'just; fitness and fat loss to a wholesome, holistic approach to health + healing- fat loss, bulimia, body dysmorphia + fibromyalgia. My story is long, but I will try keep it as short and sweet as I can.

I am charlotte a personal trainer, pre and post natal instructor, child fitness instructor and certified vegan nutritionist - specialist interest in an Alkaline diet. I am also a laughter yoga and meditatin facilitator, crystal and quantum energy healer.

 Specialising in all area's I have self healed. Sustainable weight loss, after a 7 stone weight loss journey.Bulimia and body dysmorphia after only focusing on fat loss - not the root cause. Also healed myself from fibromyalgia.

At the age of 19, I was a size 22-24, I was constantly being sick, for ‘no reason’ (although now I know differently!). there was a reason I just wasn’t aware of it at the time. Constantly fatigued, bloated, mood swings, gorging on processed, quick-fix foods. I was a dental nurse working hard, but not working or doing anything for me, my higher self. Nothing that was good for me. I had no self-love, no self-worth and no self-respect.

That was the start of my fat loss journey. I started trying all kinds of quick fixes and fad diets – no idea what chemicals and carcinogens they actually contained – no awareness. Shakes, soups, pills, teas, machines, wraps, even infrared lipo… Some gave the quick fix effect – 9lb loss in the first week, 1lb the following week, 5lb gain the week after, and 2lb gain the next. Then I’d give up and find the next fad. These fad diets are not sustainable and usually leave you in a worse state. Physically, mentally and emotionally!

I eventually lost 7 stone, almost 100 lbs in about 6 months by tracking food and going to the gym… But because I didn't heal properly on my fat loss journey. I just wanted to lose weight, not work on the cause for my overeating. I started to develop different mental health issues. bulimia and body dysmorphia. I’d comfort myself with food – like I used to when I was obese, but now I had unlocked a new fear…

Because now I didn’t want to gain weight after having an amazing body – I had not “healed” properly on my weight loss journey. I’d only focus on my physical appearance, pleasing my ego. I’d not consider the reason I over ate and used food as a comfort.

Because I had not healed or transmuted the trauma energy I was subconciouosly carrying, my mental health took a hit and dis-ease manifested as bulimia, body dysmorphia and eventually also diagnosed with Fibromyalgia.

I started cocktails of medications, started councilling, CBT. It appeared to all just made symptoms more intense and created new ones. Fed up of feeling physically + mentally drained 24/7. I decided to try different approach – a holistic approach.

I started meditating healing trauma energy – becoming an alchemist – changing that stagnant, dense, low vibe trauma energy. Releasing energetic blockages by shining awareness onto them – their causes – bringing the dark low vibe energies into light energy that can flow and be released…

Allowing you to let go of old belief systems that do not serve your highest self. Find and create your self worth, self love and self esteem. Letting the old thoughts and patterns go.

Healing starts from within. Only I could heal me and only you can heal you. I can give you the knowledge, the tools, support, guidance and motivation, but it takes your power, to take action. and create change. I can help you!

After 13 years helping and supporting patience as a dental nurse. I left my comfort zone to become a PT, fitness instructor and vegan nutritionist to help people heal. Then adding to my knowledge becoming a laughter facilitator, medication facilitator, crystal and quantum energy healer. Spent hours of studying lectures and texts by the kings of alkaline healing, Dr Sebi and Dr R.moore. Now I am healed I can help you to do the same - of course you have to truely want too!

I am currently studying Ayurvedic medicine with top indian Dr’s Ayurvedic is natures way to heal.

Heal holistically, as a whole. Mind, body, emotions and soul….you are more than just a body.

Our Services

Mindful fat loss

Kick-start your fat loss journey.

Learn the blueprint and tools you need for sustainable, long-term sustainable, weight loss.

No need for hours in the gym, no starving yourself, no 'sin food' and no BS!

Alkaline & heal

Heal your gut health, boost your energy, improve your brain fog and reduce inflammation, and improve your mood and anxiety!

Just a few reasons to join this 21-day course. 

Fit with Fibromyalgia 

Kick-start your healing journey with everything you need to reduce symptoms of fibromyalgia, naturally, without new symptoms and side effects!

Everything I have done to be over 4 years without a fibromyalgia flare-up and without any pharmaceutical medications!

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